EVERYBODY! Hope you're Happy to join ;))) Запускаю новый формат offline studying: Инглиш разговорные вечеринки с играми, беседами и заданиями! Короче, образовательный интерактив!)))) Приходите!!! Pets&Kids Friendly 🤩 Welcome to The Conversation Workshops! Special offer for students and friends, to sum up the events and results of your daily life and practice your converstional skills offline. These Conversational Workshops will guide you through interesting and basic practical topics The intensive Workshop programme will take almost no time, but will fill you with daily used words and necessary skills to wake your English up and remind you how fun that is to be learning something useful every day. For this time - it doesn’t matter much if you don’t remember some grammar rules or haven’t used your foreign language for decades → in a conversational class you’ll be able to express yourself no matter what; so don’t worry at all → it’s Fun! The style is - informal class, so feel free to bring your own snacks&beverages - so it could be as comfortable for you as possible. We might be exchanging media files with each other - so, please be sure you battery is charged and you have your 3G/4G mobile connection. Indoor Club includes lots of fun discussions with real people, interesting up-to-date group tasks and games. With lots of talking The Club will last 2 hours - so, please, arrange your time. You're welcome to bring your friends and everybody who is interested. The number of participants per class is limited (max. 10 people) - so please let me know in advance, so I would be ready with materials. The Club takes part in a very cosy design studio in the Centre of Moscow. Address: Novinsky Boulevard 28/35 Participation fee for the club: 1500₽ (2 hours) Clubs for December 2018: 17 December (Monday) - at 20.00 20 December (Thursday) - at 20.00 22 December (Saturday) - at 14.00 22 December (Saturday) - at 17.00 23 December (Sunday) - at 14.00 23 December (Sunday) - at 17.00

Теги других блогов: language learning English conversation offline studying